

Sundrops are offered in two options, with curly locks or without, ranging in size from 3-4 inches in diameter, Pricing is for one handmade felted Sundrop.


Sundrops range in size from 3-4 inches in diameter, perfectly sized for any bedside table, and are offered in two options, with curly locks or without. Sundrops are hand-crafted by needle felting artist Hillary Dow, so no two sundrops are the same. Pricing is per Sundrop. Every sundrop comes with instructions explaining where sundrops come from and how they are magically connected to the sun. Once that magic connection is ignited, the Sun Fairy can make her way through the sundrop for a nighttime visit! She leaves little notes and loves to read notes left for her.

wool sunspots by hillary dow

Sundrop Felting Kits are also available to create your own!

🐑  Every product of Lichendia includes 100% Maine wool colored in small batches of hand-dyed roving. While we do our best to maintain consistency in each of our product lines, slight variations in color are to be expected.

Our wool is responsibly sourced from sheep happily living on Maine farms.

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