$100 Founder’s Circle


Your $100 investment in the Founder’s Circle will provide the gift of 2 hardcover books and 4 paperback books to local schools and libraries. Fairy Spells & Strawberry Elves is delighting readers everywhere with mesmerizing needle felted illustrations!


Your $100 investment in the Founder’s Circle will provide the gift of 2 hardcover books and 4 paperback books to local schools and libraries. Fairy Spells & Strawberry Elves is delighting readers everywhere with mesmerizing needle felted illustrations!

Joining the founder’s circle is an honor bestowed on those with the treasured gift of giving. Members of the exclusive circle will forever be part of Lichendian history, memorialized on our website, with some tiers of the circle earning sacred inclusion within the pages of our books. Every member in our founder’s circle is helping fund the self-publishing process and our ability to donate the books of Lichendia to local school children and libraries.

The first fully illustrated children’s book of Lichendia will bring the magic of a fairy wonderland into your life – did you also add things to your cart for your home?

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