Felting Lesson: Flute


100 Minutes Across Three Video Lessons
Felting Leona’s two arms in place as she holds her flute
Adding Leona’s sheep facial features
Placement and fleecing of the three sheep in her flock

Two Still Image Galleries
Felting and attaching ears
Felting and attaching flute keys

Two Short-Form Videos
Time-lapse video of felting the flute barrel
Time-lapse video adding curly locks


This felting lesson: Flute includes two still image galleries detailing the steps of forming her two ears as well as the construction of the wool flute. Two short-form videos add some fun time-lapse visuals of me working on the flute as well as adding Leona’s curly locks. Plus, three video lessons with 100 minutes of step-by-step instruction that walk you through the process of needle felting Leona’s two arms in place as she holds her flute, the addition of her facial features, and the placement and fleecing of the three sheep in her flock.

As usual, since I’m working in real-time, you’ll also get some updates on life with the Dow family as I throw in a little chit-chat as I work. In this piece, I am primarily working on Leona, the sheep and main character of my children’s book, Flock of Rock. Her arms and flute pop right off the wall of the original artwork. This lesson was created in February 2024.

100 Minutes Across Three Video Lessons
Felting Leona’s two arms in place as she holds her flute
Adding Leona’s sheep facial features
Placement and fleecing of the three sheep in her flock

Two Still Image Galleries
Felting and attaching ears
Felting and attaching flute keys

Two Short-Form Videos
Time-lapse visuals of me working on the flute barrel
Time-lapse visuals adding Leona’s curly locks

If you’re interested in the felting lesson: violin, and you want even more, the Felting Master Class is a great option! For a one-time payment of $200, you can join Hillary’s Felting Master Class and gain access to the complete treasure trove of lessons, galleries, guides, and more. New content is added all the time!

If this lesson grabbed your attention be sure to follow Hillary on Pinterest, we love pinning new felting projects and classes! With the illustrations for Flock of Rock well underway, I like to share images of my work on social media and in my email newsletter as I go. I hope you’ll join me on the journey!

Meet your instructor, Hillary Dow!

Hillary Dow and her felted flute

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